We are SAP system specialists who, after many years of career in large IT companies, felt that we want to offer our competences in a different formula – more flexible in terms of organizational form and more advanced due to the complexity of implemented SAP projects.
By hiring SAP experts from UpTime ERP, you gain:
- a team of several certified SAP specialists (Senior SAP Consultants)
- direct contact with SAP expert, who implement your project
- reduced formalities and a quick procedure path from accepting an inquiry to starting work on your project
- access to resources of independent experts and SAP freelancers with interdyscyplinary competences and knowledge
- high business awareness and efficiency approach
- imagination which, combined with inquisitive analytics and extensive experience, allows us to design unique, dedicated solutions
- transfer of many years of experience in designing solutions adapted to the specifics of a subject or sector based on SAP solutions: MM / WM / SD / FI / CO / PP / QM
- comprehensive, multi-branch competences [logistics, sales, finance, production, transport, warehouse management]
- experience in global SAP implementations
- SAP experts using English and German
The UpTime ERP team
Eryk Krysztofiak
Managing Partner
Senior FI/CO Consultant
Maciej Kromolicki
Managing Partner
Senior SD/MM Consultant
Hubert Krysztofiak
Managing Partner
Senior FI/CO Consultant
Monika Strzępa
Business Development Manager
Marta Andre
Sales Support Specialist
Agata Maksymowicz
Marketing & Administration Specialist
Agnieszka Biegała
Controlling Manager
Filip Krzyśka
IT Support
Mateusz Łaskawiec
successfully completed projects
satisfied customers
team members
affiliated freelancers